Thursday, November 22, 2007

Make time fly

The above pictures are from my first project in Photo Work. Me and Marcus went to the Airport(s), the domestic and the international one to take some good pictures for the assignment. You rarely see pictures taken on airports today because of the tight security airports have after 9/11. They even followed us and stared at us during the time we where there but never stopped us. I have finally gotten time to edit some of the pictures from there.

This picture above is from Perth and it's just a random building, but it's my favorite random building in Perth. :)

Well, the semester is over and I'm back in Sweden. Felt kinda sad coming here. The first thing I see when i land in Sweden is the darkness and the crappy weather. Hurray for Scandinavia!

The second thing I notice is how quiet Sweden is. 400 people are standing in line waiting for the passport control. It's almost dead quiet, except a Finnish person talking with a really loud "raspig" voice, you know, how all Finnish people talk :p. Some swedish guy is trying to say something to his girlfriend, he whispers. Another person is talking to his wife, he talks really quiet and you can see on his face that he dont want to disturb anyone. A Thai woman tries to say something to her Swedish husband, unhearable. And it continues...

Something else I have noticed that I have written about earlier. I find it really funny that so many tourist say that Swede's are nice. Yeah many swedes are well-mannered, and yeah a bit nice. But are we actually that nice compared to other countries? Australian people, they are NICE. They are not afraid of talking to strangers on the train/bus, they actually greet you and ask you how's your weekend been, or going to be, when going into stores. Of course many of them don't really care but most of the times it's not about caring or not, it's just in their nature to small talk more than we do.

They actually say "thank you" to the bus driver when they get off. I find that amazing, the bus driver still gets respect for driving people around.

Another thing is that they have cops in every corner, which makes you feel much safer than in Stockholm e.g. We have so few cops in Stockholm that we have to rent the security guys that couldn't become cops. And most of the time they don't even make you feel safe. It also seems like people just have more respect for things, people and places in Australia. I couldn't see much graffiti or vandalism in Perth except the usual small tags on bus chairs people make. But except that, not so much at all in the city.

What went wrong in Sweden that made us so caught up in our own little worlds? Why are we so afraid and what happened to respecting other people?

This is Phoebe :) aka Bei aka Chan Cho Yan, we are together :D

Thursday, November 01, 2007


Just wanted to post these pictures. I have to write an essay that is due tomorrow, mega crap. I have handed in my last two assignments for Studio Work (above) and Photo Work, this is the last week, I only have an exam at november 14th and on nov 20th I'm ocming home!

I will post the Photo Work pics later and give you an update on whats been happening down here.

This is from downtown Perth when me and Zura tested the Metz Flash and took some random pictures.

This next picture, are of three negatives developed with COFFE and LAUNDRY POWER + SOFTENER. Why you may ask. Why not? :D A couple of weeks ago me and Stanley had to try after I found a blog that showed us how to develop the film with those ingredients. The blog actually said that we had to use Washing Soda Crystals and coffe powder. But we couldnt find any Soda Crystals so we tried to find Softener powder, which didnt seem to exist, so we ended up with laundry powder that came with softener. Here is the result:

(this isnt scanned images of the negs, so bare in mind that the negs actually look a bit better than this, amazing that it worked at all though)