Sunday, November 29, 2009
The Ring
Apparantly, I got some sort of picture challenge from Johannes, so okey, I can play, for now, this time.
There were rules. To choose the fourth or seventh picture folder and then choose the fourth or seventh picture and then tell something about the pic.
So I found this old picture I shot in the studio at school last year or something. Shot on 4x5 film with a monorail Cambo camera. Borrowed the little fairy from my housemate Veronica and built the little "set" in a lightbox with stuff I found on the way to the studio.
So now I'm actually supposed to send the "challenge" to someone else :p Like a good old curse. But as I actually dont like these stuff I'm not gonna. It ends here! HA! But if you want, find an old pic and tell something about it. :)
Friday, November 20, 2009
Family Fun
Last time I was home I scanned my brothers baby-photoalbum and got some really cool photos of my family, especially my grandparents who passed away a few years ago. They were really cool and so nice to us. It was always a treat going to there countryhouse and to their apartment for dinners. I also took some photos today of portraits of them when they were younger, I think the photo of my grandfather was from when he graduated highschool, not sure how old my grandmother was in this photo but she should be in her mid 20's I think. Quite a handsome couple. So anyway, here's some family photos hehe.Lol, I always smile when I see this picture above, coz my grandpa looks like he's done something sneaky or something haha and the worried look from my grandmother; Oh no what is he up to noow!
My brother, caught when trying to make an escape from bed prison.
I would totally say that my grandma had quite a fashion sense.
My brother (left) looks kinda looks like a girl here. Lame.
Ha! My grandpa's djungle hat that he got when he did a stop over in South Africa going on a freighter ship to India.
Lägg dig där
Röda majvärmen erövrar stan
Bland fanor, stöveltramp hör jag din puls
Det är då jag önskar att jag kunde
Stanna tiden, tysta alla nätverk, stoppa trafiken
En stilla bön om lugn igen
Att kunna ta besvikelsen
Blås din vind ur din tro på
att tron i sig själv räcker till
Att någon i sig själv kan vara nog
Och jag, jag står maktlös inför kärleken igen
Man blir ödmjuk inför kraften i rörelsen
Om man tror på någonting som du gör
Att aldrig någonsin ge upp
Om jag hade lite kraft kvar att ge dig
Om jag hade lite hjärta att dela med mig
Om jag hade lite kärlek så var den till dig
Om jag hade lite kraft kvar att ge dig
Om jag hade lite hjärta att dela med mig
Om jag hade lite kärlek så var den till dig
Så var den till dig
Säg ditt namn
Och din hand den öppnas och sluts
Du lever din dröm i ett hörn, du lever din dröm
Och det är då jag önskar att jag kunde hålla käften
Tysta pessimisten, bara vara din vän
En stilla bön om lugn igen
Att slippa ta besluten
Om jag hade lite kraft kvar att ge dig
Om jag hade lite hjärta att dela med mig
Om jag hade lite kärlek så var den till dig
Om jag hade lite kraft kvar att ge dig
Om jag hade lite hjärta att dela med mig
Om jag hade lite kärlek så var den till dig
Om jag hade lite kraft kvar att ge dig
Om jag hade lite hjärta att dela med mig
Om jag hade lite kärlek så var den till dig
Ja, den var till dig
Om jag hade lite kraft kvar att ge dig
Om jag hade lite hjärta att dela med mig
Om jag hade lite kärlek så var den till dig
Om jag hade lite kärlek så var den till dig
Om jag hade lite kärlek så var den till dig
Om jag hade lite kärlek så var den till dig
Om jag hade lite kärlek så var den till dig
Om jag hade lite kärlek så var den till dig
Om jag hade lite kärlek så var den till dig
Om jag hade lite kärlek så var den till dig
English translation:
Lie there
Red May, the heat captures the town
Among the banners, boot steps, I hear your heart
That's when I wish I could
Stop time, silence all networks, stop traffic
A silent prayer for peace again
To take the disappointment
Blow your wind out of your belief
That faith in itself is enough
That anyone in themself can be enough
And I, I stand helpless before love again
You become humbled before the power in motion
If you believe in something like you do
To never, ever give up
If I had a little strength left to give you
If I had a little heart to share with myself
If I had a little love, it was for you
If I had a little strength left to give you
If I had a little heart to share with myself
If I had a little love, it was for you
It was for you
Say your name
And your hand that opens and shuts
You live your dream, in a band, you live your dream
And that's when I wish I could shut up
The silent pessimist, just be your friend
A silent prayer for peace again
To avoid making decisions
If I had a little strength left to give you
If I had a little heart to share with myself
If I had a little love, it was for you
If I had a little strength left to give you
If I had a little heart to share with myself
If I had a little love, it was for you
If I had a little strength left to give you
If I had a little heart to share with myself
If I had a little love, it was for you
Yes, it was for you
If I had a little strength left to give you
If I had a little heart to share with myself
If I had a little love, it was for you
If I had a little love, it was for you
If I had a little love, it was for you
If I had a little love, it was for you
If I had a little love, it was for you
If I had a little love, it was for you
If I had a little love, it was for you
If I had a little love, it was for you
Kent Röd,
Vals för satan
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Back home again
Three finished paintings and the original to my intervention of an old painting. I wish I had had more time on them but I had to finish all my school work a week earlier as I was going home to Sweden earlier and at the same time finding a new apartment and dealing with other a lot of other crap.
But, finally, I'm back in Sweden! Yesterday I came home from Dalarna where Caroline lives after a few days of total relaxation and fun fun fun! We had a Harry Potter-marathon (1-5) as the latest movie isnt out on dvd yet. But it's awesome, I was lucky enough to see it on the plane here as I had missed it when it played in the cinemas. I also borrowed the first book and it's actually, really good :D. We also met her friends and had a nice double date dinner haha :). But it was really nice actually and I had Taco pie for the first time in my life :p When Caroline was working me and Bastien (the cat) had a guys night, watched some movies, played with his toys and just chillaxed a bit. Talked about life and everything, it was nice!
Saturday, November 07, 2009
Spectrum Project Space Grad Show
Some pictures from before the opening of Spectrum Project Space Grad Show where I had two photographs exhibited:
"Are we to have nothing tonight?" (fox)
"Rauour Kjoll Svartur Har" (red)
Joshua, Nicky and Joshuas girlfriend Rachel was also there.
Friday, November 06, 2009
Music Recess
I have just bougth Kents new album Röd (Red) from Itunes. It cost me not more than 90Kronor which is like 14 aus dollars. It's a really reasonable price for an album in digital format :). And you get the booklet that comes with the cd also. The album sounds great! Here's the video to their first single Töntarna.
And yes I made that Kent picture in Paint :p