Friday, May 14, 2010


The Hydromedusa lives below the ices on planet Heilo but can and needs to surface occasionally for oxygen. As it is extremely light it can maneuver and fly above the surface also. It uses its many eyes to see in the deep depths of the Heilo oceans. The humanoid Archos has installed a saddlecockpit and a control device which is attached directly into the
creatures brain to be able to steer it properly. He also installed a Jet Booster to be able to match the speed of the human jetfighters.

Thursday, May 06, 2010

50's propaganda toy kit

The Creativity Kit (50's style Christian propaganda toy kit)

Assignment: Find two objects in a second hand store and come up with a new function or use for them.

I found this beautiful first aid kit box from St Johns Ambulance who specializes in first aid kits. St Johns Ambulance is also a part of the Salvation army and the name comes from this Christian order several centuries ago.

After doing some research I'm assuming that the box isn't as old as it appears to be. I emailed St Johns Ambulance and they had never seen a first aid kit like this and on closer inspection of the box it looks like it's made to look older like a movie prop. I think the box could be either from the 50-70s but then turned into a first aid kit by a theatre prop maker or something similar. But nonetheless it looks really nice.

The second item was a an old plastic film camera. So I thought, how could I combine these two things?

I wanted to make a Creativity kit, but with a big twist and do it like it would be more of a propaganda piece for Christians and in the spirit of the 50's toys in America.

For the poster I did a lot of research on toy advertisements of the era and found appropriate typefaces and pictures I could make the montage out of.

For the box I wanted to make like a tribute to the old school Mystery Toy Boxes. I also wanted it to really be "In your face". Like the company who made it really wanted to push the logo and hypnotize you into excitement and amazement, but also having it look a bit evil, like it would be this fanatical religious church behind it.

I also wanted the opening of the box to be a big "Aaaaaahhhh-moment". Having it to feel like the box almost transformed itself into something bigger. I thought a lot about the space inside the box and how I could use it. To make it look like all the boxes were stacked on each other but actually they are attached to the box itself in a specific order.

Every box is filled with different creative objects like scissors, sewing kit, pencils, camera, film rolls, clear tape, brushes etc and also a custom made notebook I made which have the paper folded in a really nifty way so you can have twice the space to write on if you unfold it.

Oh wait, one last thing. For the observant readers, theirs one unmarked box in there. What could it be? Well I guess you have to buy the box to find out ;).

No but for real, it's a nice little gift from the church ;) haha. A little cross-bracelet they want YOU to wear! In you face!

Special thanks to my friend Marthe who helped me to come up with the company name and the Holy Macaroni-line :D

Re-designing the airline ticket

I did a re-design of an airline ticket for my made up company called Aviator Airlines.

Some of the main aspects I was thinking of when designing it:

Problem: The boarding pass/e-ticket is usually cluttered with information completely useless for the traveller making it difficult to see the information they need to know first.

Solution: Making it easy for the traveller to read the information on the ticket. Prioritising the information the traveller really needs to know when going from Check-in to Gate to plane. Having the Airport staff information in a separate section (the middle section).

I chose to have my designs feature the information that I think is the most important most visible and ordered it like this:
  1. Gate number

  2. Seat number

  3. Departure time

  4. Flight number

Problem: Can't fold ticket without ruining the text on it and making it look messy.

Solution: Separating the information in sections and making it more acceptable to fold the ticket with the dotted center line and thus being able to put it in pocket or wallet.

Problem: I want my hands free from carrying the ticket without damaging it!

Solution: Providing a ticket holder with neck string strap at the check-in counter which provides protection and freeing up hands to to carry luggage, clothing item etc.

The element of surprise

A nice package will lead the customers to remember a brand more. When everyone is going e-ticket why follow the stream but instead go for something different? So why not treat the customers to something more enjoyable than the old cluttered tickets that they can actually read without having to put too much effort into it. Small things like this can also make the customer feel more special and therefore chose the company more often.

Edith Cowan University Course guide catalouge

The New Edith Cowan University course guide catalogue features one of my photos and apparantly it advertises the writing units! So yeah, become a writer, it's awesome!