Wednesday, March 18, 2009

The night was so long

This post has to be dedicated to Fever Ray. Fever Ray concists of Karin Dreijer Andersson which is half of my favourite music group The Knife and now she just recently came out with a solo album which goes by the name Fever Ray.

It sounds almost exactly like The Knife but maybe a bit slower. But the dark tones and funky beats are still there and the lyrics will just blow you away. The best thing about The Knife and Fever Ray is that its not about the image of the artist, its really more about the music and the art around it. Like their new videos for example. They will probably not be played all the time on MTV but they have a really good artistic value to it which i really respect. Their first video If I had a heart almost doesnt even feature the singer herself, except for a short amount of time where she is wearing tons of make-up to look like a skull. These videos and music inspire me and makes me wanna create create create! Thank YOU Karin Dreijer Andersson!

The pic at the top is an x-ray image of my teeth and jaw that I scanned and made a montage of.

Best artists right now: Fever Ray, Jonathan Johansson, Anna Ternheim and Antony and the Johnssons. Strange enough, all Swedish :D. NOT! Correction from C - Antony and the johnssons are americans! :) What was i thinking?!.. :P


Anonymous said...

Martin, Martin, Martin.. Nej nej. :D
Har jag inte lärt dig något?! :)

Martin Rinman said...

joooo, hm.. vad var det. nångång i fjol lärde du mig något sånt där gammalt ord :P..

tack sötnos ;)