Tuesday, September 18, 2007

The death of us

Kent-fever! IF you wanna see their new music video, click HERE!

The picture above is taken from one of the locations from the local tour me and some friends went on. I'm gonna update it tomorrow, it's way to late to write about it now. So enjoy the picture above in the meanwhile.



Press here!!


Me and Phoebe ordered a couple of new Ipod Nanos 3G hehe, got them today!! It looks great! Here are some pictures from every step of... THE UNBOXING... and testing the video :)

The thin lines that is showing in the video isn't visible visible for the eye, it is just because of the different frequencies the camera has. The video quality is as good as the original file is. I love it, I can now watch my tv-shows in my bed the seconds before I go to sleep ha ha.

The display gives of more light a stronger light and the battery life is longer than the 2G Nano. It's even a couple of millimeters thinner than the 2G Nano :D

My 3G Nano is the basic one with 4GB of hard drive.

The cost: 199 AUS Dollars = 1194 svenska kronor :D


Fingal:ful said...

Hey TecGeek!

Waaaow, den fungerar verkligen, det ser jag ju på den praktiska medföljande videon! Nu kan du ju kolla på Tokio Hotel när du vill!!
"...ordered a couple of new Ipod Nanos..." det låter typ som ni köpt ett tjog, en för varje ficka! Mohahaha!!

Hoppas du har det bra, kramar från Svedalas Great Brittain (det regnar rätt saftigt).

Hanna. said...

Yo len!!!
Hur har det over there?? Jag läser här titt som tätt så jag håller mig lite uppdaterad. Väldigt snygga bilder på tjejen i jackan, I like! Nu har jag kommit igång efter sommarens "lilla" uppehåll. Men den som väntar på något gott...Hoppas du har det bra, jag tänker på dig! Kramar från Hanna-from-the-hood.
När får man komma å hälsa på då?