Friday, August 24, 2007

And then you moved closer...

I really like this picture. It's from the time when me, Stanley and Phoebe went to Fremantle to take pictures. I printed it in the printing labs yesterday, it came out really good.

Tonight me and some friends just hung out in the recreation room, it was me, Joakim, Tim, Nathan and Nafuael. We drank alot of Jäger and whiskey and had a good time playing pool, ping pong and then drums and piano haha. Nathan did some skateboarding as well. We tried to find a party somewhere in the village but we couldnt, everybody was either asleep or studying cause everybody has assignments due week six! Me to :(. I have booked the studio on sunday night and on thursday night! it's gonna be fun! If i can get in :S cause the security guys have to come and open it! So lame.

Tomorrow it's basketball time in the city, if I can get up... Its almost five am here soon. I'm gonna help Paige with her powerpoint presentation at 12pm first, then try to go to the city around 2.50 pm. I hope I can make it, would be really fun.

L-O - No you don't have to comment in english haha! Just comment in whatever language you want to ;)

Thanks Carolina! And again, welcome to blogspot :) Looking forward to read your posts!

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