Monday, August 27, 2007

If you forget how to smile (a letter to my future self)

The pictures are from me and Phoebe's studiosession last sunday night! It went pretty good but the lightmeter wouldnt work, so I had to improive and test different settings to get the right one. Then the flash-thingy you put on the camera wasnt working properly cause it was loose so it didnt connect enough to set of the flash at some times, really annoying, but I got pretty good pictures anyway. And considering it was my first studio photography shoot I myself is pretty satisfied :) Phoebe did a great job, such a good job, she got three muffins the day after :p

Today I had Communications & Digital Technolohy, but I skipped the tutorial cause it's so damn boring.. But I went shopping food instead haha. I really needed rice and some other stuff. It was nice to go by myself cause I havent done that yet. Just me and my precious Ipod Nano :)..

After that I went home, gave the muffins to Phoebe and then home and slept. On the evening we went out to eat korean BBQ! But the bbq was so expensive so we got some other korean food in the same place though, it was sooooo good :D I'm definitly going back there!

Then after a really good dessert (different ice cream) we went home and stopped by the Music Room and played some piano, or we tried, Phoebe said thatshe couldn't play but she could, the bastard :p..

Tomorrow I'm free on the day, yay! But I have to study for the Contexts of Modernity class i have on the evening.

I have booked another studio session with Joakim on wednesday night! It gonna be fun! Its for an assignment I have in studio work class. I hope everything works this time...


Anonymous said...

hejsan :P yeahhhh its meeeeee
who is it in those picssss. that asian girl is absoultely gorgeous. why a mega nerd like fan martin can have chance to take her pics :P hahahhaa

and bastard!what I told u is TRUE. I reli dun know how to play piano!!!

btw how will u forget how to smile la. hahaha juz come and have a fight then u would know how to smile lala diu nei!

and wish u gd luck tmr. u can shoot joakim very well. im sure!ahha coz hes cool and u are uncool ( juz kidding :P kakka ) i mean, u are a cool photographer, sometimes :P

Carolina Rung said...

Vi har en kurs i Stllbildsfotografering i skolan just nu för att vi senare ska förstå hur en filmkamera fungerar...våra bilder är verkligen inte i närheten av dina, you rock.

Och Per har gjort en grej av att ha just pengarna i skålen. Jag tror han är lite mallig.
