Thursday, August 16, 2007

A walk on Vanity ruins

I'd heard about Vanity City many years ago right after the war started. I didnt believe the stories our elders told us about it... I just thought they told us these stories to keep us kids from running away or something.

I had made my way through the fiery hot desert and I finally came here. No people around. No birds, not even the rats scavanged this area. My radiation meter went up the scale. Be quick they told me, get in get out!

Everything the elders had told me was true though. I could see the strange houses were they used to lock people up. Even the smaller one-person-lock-ups were real. They put them there so the infected would get dehydrated in the worst heat ever and after just a few hours they would die. They called it humane, cruel bastards!

Anyway, I was on my own now and walking around in this big shit hole they called a city. Some rumours said that there were still some infected locked up who had survived on the other prisoners and I could swear I heard some noise just a few blocks from here, maybe I wasnt that alone afterall...

Nattens sketch, satt hela natten och ritade, lyssnade på Silent Hill 3 soundtracket och diverse annan in-the-creative-mood-musik. It was nice. :)

Idag var jag ledig, skönt. Tyvärr blev det ingen Ikea idag, men jag och Paige åkte och handlade mat i Northbridge. Ska woka kycklingfilé med färska spenatblad, soya och massa vitlök och svamp. Med ris såklart :). Får låna Sharnis ( en av dom jag bor med) riskokare thank god! Later ali's!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hej martin! kul att du har det bra!! vi har det ocksa bra har i costa rica! 2 veckor kvar typ. ska lasa din blogg lite mer aktivt nar jag kommer hem till sverige! Kramar!