Monday, February 25, 2008


"Adventures on The Rhine"

Part 1

Yesterday night i spent some hours reading about the movie called The Fountain. If you havent seen it you have to. It's amazing, different, both visually and storywise.
The Fountain is a 2006 American science fiction/fantasy film directed by Darren Aronofsky that follows three interwoven narratives that take place in the age of conquistadors, the modern-day period, and the spiritual world of the human soul. The film stars Hugh Jackman and Rachel Weisz, whose characters' romance exists in all three time periods. The Fountain explores the themes of love and mortality, drawing influences from Mayan mythology. The film is framed with visual language by using transition scenes, light, and shapes. - Wikipedia
I love Darren Aronofskys movies, coz they make u think. If you havent seen his first two movies look up Pi and Requiem For a Dream. Pi is about this number theorist Maximillian Cohen who has a theory that everything in nature can be understood through number and if u graph the numbers in the right way patterns will emerge. .

And anyway, drifting away there for a sec. Ehm back to the Fountain, the movie for me is about the search for love and the search for "god". So i was reading about that and every theory behind it and the making of the movie. And from that it just kept on going, coz i kept finding these things that sounds interesting; Tree of Life, Padmasana, Kabbalah, Ex Nihilo, Biossphere 2, Tree of knowledge...

And on and on. Thats the best thing about reading stuff on Wiki is that u keep finding other things and you learn more and more. One of the biggest reasons i can sit with it for so long is that its also very inspiring. So you get both the knowledge and u get inspired, a win-win situation haha. I love to learn stuff like that.

The only sad part is that i sometimes find it really hard to discuss all those unusual stuff with people. but the most important thing is that i know what it means to me i guess, but sometimes u just wanna get it out there coz "stuff" gets heavy to you in the end.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

State of Flux

I have finally finished my little masterpiece haha. I started on it back home in Sweden before i left to Hong Kong and got it finished in HK. Oh btw, im back from Hong Kong aswell, back in good old Australia...

I arrived last friday but had to stay at two hotels during the weekend coz i couldnt get the key from the housing office to my room coz i arrived so late. During the weekend i just relaxed and watch movies, ate and got used to the heat over here. I also met Joakim and we went to the cinema to watch The Mist which was really good actually but very very tragic.

Then last monday i arrived in the village and got my rooom, i now live in Unit 14, room 6. Its a one floor house which is located closer to phoebes house, but ehh shes not there so .. it doesnt matter haha :(. *misses*

Anyway, my new rooomies are really nice, we are awaiting one more to come and then its a full house. In the week now i have gotten settled here, bought some new basic stuff, alot of food and a rice cooker :D I havent tried it yet but it seems good, i will post a Rice-update later on :p

We have also celebrated Naufals birthday last tuesday, and we gonna celebrate him some more in this weekend coming up. Today me and soe roomies are going for the late night shopping, yahooO!

How was Hong Kong you may wonder? Well, two words can summarise HK: Compact Living :D
Or Compact Living, with Humungous Shoppingmalls :D CLWHS!

They have really big shopping malls, but also really small ones where the fitting rooms are not bigger than 50x50cm :O. It's like a new kind of sport trying to try on clothes in those fitting room :D Extreme Fitting! ......which, if you are swedish, sounds REALLY wrong...

But other than that, i LOVE Hong Kong. Everything is so easy, so easy to get around and so cheap, everything is open until 10 or 11pm and they have awesome food and ten times the better clothingstores than Aus. And the most important (except Phoebe of coz) is that they have awesome prices on the Dvds :D :D

One thing in HK i miss though, is that they dont have so many parks or grassfields like here in Aus or Sweden. But i love big cities and skyscrapers so i dont mind so much but as the nature-lover-hater i am i i need some nature once in a while. Preferably nature without pollen :).....or mosquitos.. and ants, i dont like ants, damn little things. And snakes!! gah!

Me and Pheebs almost spent a month living together with her mother and i really enjoyed it, of coz we had are tough times coz we spent so much time together all day but most of the time it was really good. We also went to many dinners with her relatives which was fun, very easy going. I was kinda nervous about that but it was just fun :)

I also got to see Pheebs school and even had a class with her and her friends. The class was something about chinese journalism, and it was held in Chinese also haha so i didnt listen so much but it seemed like fun. I did some drawing instead and listened to my Ipodu.

Some days when Phoebe was in school i spent my mornings in Pacific Coffe. I love that place, they serve really good coffe and toast sandwiches and everything u want in the morning. I often sat there for hours and did some drawing, listened to music and read different magazines, mostly Time which i enjoy reading alot becoz of their objective newsarticles from around the world.

After that i usually either met Phoebe somewhere or did some exploration of my own. Phoebe-chan lived really close to the harbour on the Kowloon side so you could walk there in five minutes and then see the entire Victoria Harbour on the other side on Hong Kong Island. Amazing view.

Im gonna update facebook with the pictures for everyone to see very soon.

We also went to a big temple, a beautiful chinese garden, the Giant buddha on lantau island, The Peak (where we had a delicious dinner in a japanese restaurant where we could see down on hong kong island and visited madame taussauds wax museum which was really fun) and many many shopping places haha. On valentines day, which was my favourite day there :D we went to Ocean Park which is a big themepark some 45 minutes from Kowloon. I have a thing towards themeparks but this experience with my crazy little pheebs was really fun, thx babe :)

I also had to experience atleast one Cinematic Adventure. But we actually saw three movies on the big screen; Cloverfield, Sweeney Todd and Cj7. Cloverfield = AMAZING THE BEST CINEMATIC ADVENTURE EXPERIENCE IVE EVER HAD WOW WOW SUPER DUPER, Sweeney Todd = It's Tim Burton and Johnny Depp and no further explanation is needed of coz its good. CJ7 = the new Stephen Chow movie is funny as all Chow movies but it was more of a kids movie, buut highly recommended anyway.

Im thinking about applying to a school in Hong Kong, and yes that means i would move there and live there instead of here, Australia. i wanna go to Polytechnic University in Hong Kong which is supposed to be one of the best Design Unis in HK. There i wanna study their Design bachelor and become an Art Director, which would give me more choice when later choosing my occupation coz then i could do everything and a little more in that business. Ive just gotten the reply from CSN if they give government funding to that school and yes they do! Woho! That also means i would live with Pheebs and eventually her mother if we didnt got our own place, or we all three get a bigger place together. But first i have to survive this semester...

Until next time! Qapla'!*

*"goodbye" in Klingon HAHAHAHAHAHA