Saturday, July 26, 2008

I just dont feel it

This was the first painting i made in my new bigger Moleskine when i got it back in July or something. I started with the background with some random aquarell pencils and a brush and then used ink to draw what i saw in the colours. Turned out pretty decent and it seems to be making people happy.

The text is from the Kent song "det kanske kommer en förändring". and it reads:

"Älskling, jag vet att du är vaken.
Signalen når din del av världen, men får inget svar.
I värmen står luften dödligt stilla.
Tänk om du kunde se hur processen tappar fart.
Älskling i natt kom du tillbaka.
Och allting var förlåtet i en återvunnen dröm.
Och just i ögonblicket när jag vaknar,
hänger skuggan av hoppet kvar på mitt rum."

One of my favourite songs evahhh. Its awesome. no, AWESOME.

Earlier tonight me and a company of ten went to Little Creatures in Freo again, we had to show some of the new people our favourite brewery and restaurant in Fremantle. And yet again, it was gooooood. People ate their wellknown pizzas, nachos, frites (probably the best in perth) and kangaroo. I ordered a supertasty plate of tiger prawns and then a really nasty dish of cold marinated octupus, just to try it out. It eventually came down, and it was pretty okey to eat but i think they should use more garlic and tone down the sourness. Some who tried it couldnt stand it but me, Gordon and Astrid managed to squeese them down after we added some aoli sauce to them. :)

Thursday, July 24, 2008

och så läste jag

I met an old friend yesterday night, my The Shining book and i spent some time together before i fell asleep and it was good. It feels though, like the book is never gonna end, its so long, but its good so its ok. Havent read that for so long now and it was something i really needed to do i think, to just turn off the computer and go to bed and read for a while. its good for the soul :).

School begins on Monday and im not really looking forward to it so much. Dont know why though, coz im gonna study subjects that i really wanna study and can forget about those really boring units i had the last two semesters, coz now im a sophomore student and not a freshman student haha. woho. This sem im taking:

Studio Applications for Advertising
Images & Narratives (also a photo unit)
Graphic Design Foundation (which combies design in drawing on paper and in computers)

So a littlebit of everything i need for my third year unit when im, for example, designing a portfolio book for my photographies and some other stuff aswell.

Good nighty

^ s. 199

Monday, July 21, 2008

Det kanske kommer en förändring

Finished the backside of the album cover i was doing for Ancient Free Gardeners a few weeks ago, yes i am pretty lazy to update my blog. (bigger versions here and here.)

Speaking of nothing, can someone tell me why i meet so weird people all the time? Maybe its just me who attracts them, but in some weird way i have a tendency to run into very strange behaving people. OR another theory, all the people out there, is frikking weird. Yes it has to be like that, and that of course, includes me. Actually i like weird people, but what i don't like is people who don't have any manners. Yes im oldschool but i like manners in people, when they are good :p

More than a month ago during my Creativity class, we had an assignment for our group project. We had to go to the library and borrow books to share within the group and get inspiration for our coming project about *drum roll*..THE FUTURE! So all the groups went there and borrowed stuff. I borrowed two movies, A.I. and another futuristic movie, i had already seen those and i even owned my own copy of A.I. but i wanted to let the others see those movies and get inspired. So i gave them to my fellow group members.

After a week or so we are ready with that assignment and we meet and i ask everyone if they have returned the movies, which of course they have, or at least the two that was there. We finish the class for the semester and i starts to enjoy my holiday. One day, maybe around a week after we have finished the class, i really feel like i wanna go to the library and borrow some omvies from their really good movie section. I pick two awesomely movie; Ghost in the Shell and something else, but when i come to the counter they say that i cant borrow anything because i havent returned A.I. on video to them. GRR. So i go home and email everybody in my group and says that someone havent returned A.I. And everyone seems pretty sure it is *** ***** who has borrowed the movie. So i text her and says pleease return it a.s.a.p. so i can borrow stuff from them. She replies and says: oh, sorry yes im going to return it on Monday (after that weekend).

so i think its okey and that she is going to return it on monday. Of course she would, why wouldnt she?. More than a month goes by and the school is releasing our grades from last semester. When i check my grades, they say that they are BLOCKED! Uh-oh. what does it mean? No one knows. So i go to the Student Central to ask them coz they handle questions like this. And they say it is because of a library fine i have and that i cant check my grades until i have paid that fine. Ooooooh okey i say, i thought i had done something really wrong and gotten so worried about it, but its just a small fine for one or two days the movie was late. Or that is what i thought anyway.

I go to the library and ask them about it. They say that i have a S I X T Y DOLLAR FINE!!!!!!!!!!! But it will go down to 40 if i return the movie. I say that its actually not me who have the movie but this evil girl from my class. Nothing to do, someone has to pay it they say. So this was last week. I have been calling her repeatedly since then, texting her, leaving messages on her phone, finding her on facebook and written a long mail, written to our teacher and explained the situation and asked if he can contact her which he was gonna do, talked to her friend who finally answered the phone and sounded like a really bad liar and claimed that she had left her phone there and said that i could try tomorrow if it wasn't urgent, i said it was urgent and explained everything and hes aid that he was gonna ask her to call the next day, which of course she didn't.

Oh yeah forgot to write the biggest problem for me, i really need to check my grades so i can print them out and send to Sweden so i can get my government funding money (CSN) and pay for my units im taking this semester!!!!!! ARGH!!

So now i have to pay for that and then try to find her and give her the receipt. OR sacrifice my own Special Edition version of A.I. on dvd :(. LUDER!!!!

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Drug deal in Perth

Förvirringen är total.

Till min förklaring måste jag tillägga att några glas vin hade druckits :).

EDIT: Almost forgot. The pics below are from my third shoot with Adele, who was really good this time also. We went into the city to the business district, the only part of Perth which actually feels like a big city. Stanley helped us this time also, thaanks alot!

EDIT 2: I have bought a new Moleskine notebook. Im on my third now and it feels great, GREAT! I felt like a kid on christmas after i'd bought it and me and some friends were on the train back home from Fremantle earlier this week. I asked Paige:
-maybe i should open it now? should i open it now? *giggling inside like a little schoolgirl*
-err.. yeah you can do that... ..
-maybe..maybe ill wait until i get home heh.. *cant stop thinking about it*

I waited till i got home and opened it by myself. i was in dreamland. The best thing about it, that its twice as big as my previous ones. So now i can make bigger and better drawings and paintings. I have already started on five different things and i have bought watercolour which is really fun, maybe i can posts some next time.

I feel, that i have to share some Moleskinerie with you people. But yes, i know its really not interesting for the uninterested, but considerings this is my blog so :p... here goes:

  1. Unwrap the plastic
  2. Pull the paper sleeve from the cover
  3. Tuck the post card and stamps in the accordion pocket.
  4. Kiss the history of Moleskine pamphlet, and reflect how fortunate you are to be using a notebook favored by Hemmingway and Van Gogh
  5. Open the notebook, and turn to the middle, or thereabouts
  6. Bury your nose between the pages, rooting as closely as possible to the spine.
  7. Breath deeply
  8. Repeat Step 7 until filled with a sense of well being

From Geekmouth via