Sunday, July 31, 2011


Thursday, July 28, 2011

Opolopo - The Lo-, Hi- and Sci-Fi Mix for WE ARE REPLICANTS

I built and shot this little contraption and christened it "The Opolopo Device" (keeping it simple ;)) for WE ARE REPLICANTS featured mix from Swedish DJ/Producer Opolopo.

I built the device out of parts I could find in my dads' "radio-shack-room" after the description of the device; "...a small, ringlike object" written by my friend Mikael for the article. I wanted to make it a bit other worldly but still make it have a realistic look so the parts made some sense when looking at it. (?)

I'm also Including a close-up also of the device and the holographic message from the story in the article:

Tuesday, July 26, 2011


Monday, July 25, 2011

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Tattoo Artist Hill For WE ARE REPLICANTS

WE ARE REPLICANTS (Me and Mikey :p) did an interview with tattooer and artist Hill from Stuck Tattoo. My friend Mikael Lopez put it together into an awesome article and I shot some photos for it :) Check it out here; FEATURED: Hill - Stuck On Tattoos and check out Hill's art here at Hillone.

Monday, July 18, 2011

St Pauls Cathedral 2

Boba Fett

And of course Boba Fett was there too.

Darth Vader & Stormtrooper

"I find your lack of faith disturbing." *Force Choke*


Me and my brother walked by and noticed that London Film and Comic Con was happening right in front of us at Earl's Court. Unfortunately we didn't have tickets but saw all the cosplay going on outside.

Hyde Park 2

Hyde Park 1

St Pauls Cathedral

One of most beautiful buildings in the world.

The Machine

And Following Our Will and Wind

Friday, July 15, 2011

To Feel Connected

Withering Intuition

"Drawn beyond the lines of reason"

The Lake of Mercury.


Got a bit inspired by one of my favourite movies, The Fountain.

Eon Blue Apocalypse

dreams of A journey

Deep Into The Forrest

I Clipped Your Wing