Sunday, August 08, 2004

Organic life or just ghost in the machines?

Det här blir nog... näst sista gången jag skriver på blogen! Sen får någon annan ta över den!

Börjar med Top 10 G.I Joe Villains! Ni som kollat på serien när ni var små vet ju vad det handlar om ;)

Om man blandar ihop Simpsons figurerna så får man...?

Amerikaner kommer på att Norge har samma sol som resten av världen! ^ ^

Best of!

Nytt japanskt Kjol-mode! Det borde komma till Sverige snart tycker jag.

Jag såg I, Robot i veckan! Som verkligen var en överraskning! Den var inte alls som jag hade tänkt mig, trodde att det skulle vara mer av en hjärndöd sci fi action men det kändes mer som en gammal deckare, WHO DUNNIT kinda movie liksom. Will Smith gjorde en bra prestation o resten också. Effekterna var bra, höjdpunkten var ju Sonny, roboten som blir anklagad för mordet på en forskare.

Det får en att börja tänka. Eftersom det här kommer bli verklighet inom vår livstid. Redan nu kan man göra robotar som kan röra sig snabbt, dansa t ex och stå på huvet o såna saker, gå och bära saker! Det kommer nog inte dröja mer än 30 år innan vi har robotar hemma som hjälper oss med div olika saker tror jag. Jag skulle lätt vilja ha en robot i hemmet som kunde hjälpa till med saker. Frågan är hur smarta dem är och hur snabbt dom utvecklar A.I, alltså artificiell Intelligens. Om dom kan tänka, drömma och skapa precis som vi, är dom inte då våra jämnlikar? En egen ras, som vi har skapat? Då kan vi inte längre använda dem som våra slavar. Men tills dess kan vi använda dessa maskiner till vår hjälp till att utföra saker som människan inte klarar av.

Det får mig också att börja tänka på kloning också. Filmen Sjätte dagen med Ah-nuld! Inte hans bästa film kanske men underhållande ibland. Ni kommer ihåg att man kunde klona sina husdjur där? Ja det kan man göra redan nu och behöver inte vänta på en snar framtid.,2789,515189,00.html

Visst det kostar 400 000 kr men inom en snar framtid så kommer metoden att förenklas och det kommer bli billigare. Vem vill ha ett klonat husdjur? Ja om husdjuret man älskade en dag dog så har man möjligheten att få tillbaka det. Eller att acceptera läget, alltså döden.

Nåra videofilmer på japanska robotar! Hittar inte dom grymmaste som verkligen kan röra sig snabbt, ska leta lite till!

Aha! Hittade den länken med Sonys dansande robotar! Ta en titt och häpna och njut! Ni har nog inte sett något liknande ;)... Faktiskt!

Robotarna kallas Qurio!

Jag, Människa!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Big News From The Healthcare Industry!!

+++++++++++Current Profile+++++++++++
Faceprint Global Solutions (FCPG)
Current Price $0.15
A company with hot new identity solution products
and licenses with over 40 current governmental and
non-governmental contracts in negotiations.

Is this an undiscovered gem priced to go higher!!
Please read the following Announcement in its Entirety and Consider the Possibilities�
Watch this One to Trade!

FCPG volume trading is beginning to surge with this landslide Announcement. The value of this
stock appears poised for growth! This one should not remain on the ground floor for long.


Faceprint Global Solutions (FCPG) is pleased to announce that its European partner, Keyvelop, has teamed up with IBM's Partner World Industry Networks to deliver customer software requirement solutions for the international healthcare industry.
With FGS owning the exclusive North American rights to distribute the worlds leading encryption and transmission software developed by Keyvelop, FGS is poised to capture large volumes of sales generated by customers currently using IBM's software in the healthcare and other industries.
With traceability and security now deemed a serious business priority, companies are increasingly focused on employing procedures and controls designed to ensure the authenticity, integrity and confidentiality of electronic records.
"This is a very positive move for FGS and for Keyvelop," said FGS CEO Pierre Cote. "We are very happy about the decision to go with IBM. This is a continuation of the progress made by everyone associated with FGS and its partners."
Buell Duncan, IBM's general manager of ISV & Developer Relations commented, "Collaborating with Keyvelop will ensure that we develop open solutions that are easy to maintain and cost effective for our customers in the healthcare and life sciences industry."
Among other things, this new software technology which is currently being used by a number of European healthcare companies, is used to send any file, regardless of format or size. Encryption keys, evidence of transmission integrity with fingerprint calculation, time-stamping of all actions and status record updating, pre-checking sender and receiver identities, validating file opening dates are part of Keyvelop features.
About FacePrint Global Solutions, Inc.
FGS operates a business, which develops and delivers a variety of technology solutions, including biometric software applications on smart cards and other support mediums (apometric solutions). FGS's products provide biometric solutions for identity authentication and a host of smart card- and biometrics-related hardware peripherals and software applications. Apometrix, FGS's wholly-owned subsidiary, combines on-card or in-chip multi-application management solutions with best-of-breed 'in-card matching' biometrics. Keyvelop's secure digital envelope solution and Apometrix's on-card biometrics work together to produce the winning combination in the fields of security, traceability and identity management. FGS is headquartered in Fresno, California.

The examples above show the Awesome, Earning Potential of little known Companies That Explode onto Investor's Radar Screens. This stock will not be a Secret for long. Then You May Feel the Desire to Act Right Now! And Please Watch This One Trade!

All statements made are our express opinion only and should be treated as such. We may own, take position and sell any securities mentioned at any time. Any statements that express or involve discussions with respect to predictions, goals, expectations, beliefs, plans, projections, objectives, assumptions or future events or performance are not statements of historical fact and may be "forward looking statements." Forward looking statements are based on expectations, estimates and projections at the time the statements are made that involve a number of risks and uncertainties which could cause actual results or events to differ materially from those presently anticipated. This profile is in no way affiliated with the featured company. We were compensated one thousand dollars from third party (IR Marketing) to distribute this report. Forward looking statements in this action may be identified through the use of words such as: "projects", "foresee", "expects". in compliance with Section 17(b), we disclose the holding of FGS shares prior to the publication of this report. Be aware of an inherent conflict of interest resulting from such holdings due to our intent to profit from the liquidation of these shares. Shares may be sold at any time, even after positive statements have been made regarding the above company. Since we own shares, there is an inherent conflict of interest in our statements and opinions. Readers of this publication are cautioned not to place undue reliance on forward-looking statements, which are based on certain assumptions and expectations involving various risks and uncertainties that could cause results to differ materially from those set forth in the forward- looking statements. This is not solicitation to buy or sell stocks, this text is for informational purpose only and you should seek professional advice from registered financial advisor before you do anything related with buying or selling stocks, penny stocks are very high risk and you can lose your entire investment.