Monday, March 10, 2008

The Tree

Three of my latest pics im gonna use for the Images and Pleasure class. We are going to shoot five "Still-life" photos. Im gonna take the next two next week. We are using these really old cameras where u have the hoody on urself. Im talking ancient cameras here. The format is called 5x4, i think its bigger than medium format cameras? We are also using Canon 5d with Tilt & Shift lens, which allows the user to tilt or shift the lens at different directions but still remain still? Does it makes sense? i guess not but its cool.

One great thing has happened, one extremely great. i bought a pair of INLINES! YES! I found back to them. Inlines was my favorite sport when i was younger, i just loved to roll around on them and feel the wind :p haha. But seriously. After i quit them when i was 17 i think, i haven't really found a sport that i really enjoy, except riding my Ripley, who btw is located in the northern part of Sweden right now coz i had to sell it to some truck driver who wanted to give his son a nice birthday present :). Ripley, is for u that don't know, my last bike :p And anyway, i have inlines again which i bought from Joakim, and a big thanks goes out to him coz i feel that i found a part of myself again! And i hope you get a nice stay in Scotland!

And oh yeah another funny thing. There is a new program on the swedish channel ZTV, called Uppladdat. They show different funny and weird videoclips from youtube and the rest of the web and then talk about them. And, coz i know one of the people who works with that (sahar), i could get one of my videoclips i shot in Cottlesloe last semester, IN THE OPENING TITLES of the show :D oh yeah, but you have to look really fast to see it haha but its there alright! Its the clip where you see someone walking on a beach. Take a look>>>>>>>> HERE. <<<<

Here is also some pics from Hong Kong!
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3 (More pics to be added soon)

Me and Phoebe have been together for four months now! Woho!

1 comment:

Lp*Beic said...

Wuhu :) yeahhhh super celebrate ga ma haha 4 months ga ma :P sweet sweet