Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Drug deal in Perth

Förvirringen är total.

Till min förklaring måste jag tillägga att några glas vin hade druckits :).

EDIT: Almost forgot. The pics below are from my third shoot with Adele, who was really good this time also. We went into the city to the business district, the only part of Perth which actually feels like a big city. Stanley helped us this time also, thaanks alot!

EDIT 2: I have bought a new Moleskine notebook. Im on my third now and it feels great, GREAT! I felt like a kid on christmas after i'd bought it and me and some friends were on the train back home from Fremantle earlier this week. I asked Paige:
-maybe i should open it now? should i open it now? *giggling inside like a little schoolgirl*
-err.. yeah you can do that... ..
-maybe..maybe ill wait until i get home heh.. *cant stop thinking about it*

I waited till i got home and opened it by myself. i was in dreamland. The best thing about it, that its twice as big as my previous ones. So now i can make bigger and better drawings and paintings. I have already started on five different things and i have bought watercolour which is really fun, maybe i can posts some next time.

I feel, that i have to share some Moleskinerie with you people. But yes, i know its really not interesting for the uninterested, but considerings this is my blog so :p... here goes:

  1. Unwrap the plastic
  2. Pull the paper sleeve from the cover
  3. Tuck the post card and stamps in the accordion pocket.
  4. Kiss the history of Moleskine pamphlet, and reflect how fortunate you are to be using a notebook favored by Hemmingway and Van Gogh
  5. Open the notebook, and turn to the middle, or thereabouts
  6. Bury your nose between the pages, rooting as closely as possible to the spine.
  7. Breath deeply
  8. Repeat Step 7 until filled with a sense of well being

From Geekmouth via


Fingal:ful said...

Nej va faan nu får du ta å lägga de där jävla drogerna på hyllan! Hanna tycker du ser långhårig ut! Intressant dock att dealerserna ser så nintendonördiga ut!

Martin Rinman said...

haha :D det där var i mars så jag har klippt mig sen dess, fast det börjar bli lite långt igen iof.

hahaha nintendonördiga :D nästan sant!

Egentligen så försöker vi bara komma på hur mkt alla är skyldig mig efter en restaurangnota jag betalade med kort :)...

Anonymous said...

Hah, verkligen förvirrat alltså ;o)

Carolina Rung said...

Haha, inge förvirrat i alla fall. Väldigt roligt.