Sunday, December 13, 2009

The Changeling

Currently working on a poster for a movie a friend has been working on called Trollungen (The Changeling). First finalised version above. Except for the credits which are obviously not finished, still waiting for a proper credits list so that will be changed. Then I'm probably gonna do some other versions of the entire poster.


Johannes said...

GRATTIS MARTIN! Du har just vunnit en invite till voddler!!! Jag får dra lite till på det och se om det blir fler vinnare men sen presenteras det på bloggen.

Martin Rinman said...

WOHO! Tackar!

Kör voddler på pappas dator o det funkar ju rätt nice faktiskt. Synd att filmerna är lite sådär just nu men det finns ju flera guldkorn :)

Tack igen!

L. said...

Lookin' good!!! I like it! what is trollungen about? looks something like a crooked/warped alice in wonderland tale??? a bit dark??

M said...

It's about this kid who is a changeling, a trollchild who got switched with a human child as a baby. raised in a human family, then she gets bulliedf by the other kids, but has one friend. and then stuff happens, her teacher is a bit crazy n stuff. havent read the entire script yet so Im not sure. but it looks good, the movie :).

Me and my friend Niklas worked on it more eysterday so it's gonna look really different when done.

Anonymous said...

That looks amazing. Can't wait to see the finished product!

By the by, isn't The Changeling also the name of a movie starring Angelina Jolie? May have mixed it up with something else!

M said...

Thanks lyd!

The Changeling IS the name of that movie with AJ! But this is just a translation I did for the blog of the original title which you can see on the poster though.

Trollungen. Which literally translates to Troll Kid. but yeah its the meaning of changeling.

Johannes said...

konstigt. jag har skickat ut en invite till dig. den kanske har hamnat bland skräppost? BTW så är det ingen annan som aktiverat heller, så jag har fortfarande 5 kvar.

M said...

Kanske fel adress, jag använder o inte min msnadress. :)

Johannes said...

nä, det var rätt adress jag skickat till. Vad hittar du på länge sen du uppdaterade här nu. Något spännande projekt.

Martin Rinman said...

Vart mycket med flytt o resor fram o tillbaka mellan dalarna o stockholm :) men nu så!