Thursday, March 26, 2009

And this part terrifies me so

^ This and last week sketches from my notebook for class. Yes I now roll with two Moleskines. We have small homework's every week for my Intro to drawing class, apart from the stuff we do in class when we paint/draw the models posing for us which i can upload some other day. First we had to do some sketches of feet and hands and then two self-portraits by looking into the mirror and draw which is harder than it looks like.

Hmm, what else is new. Waiting for my new laptop to arrive, which should be next week someday. And what else, not much is really happening right now, im so sick of school, again. Sooo to try and not to think about school I try to take every free minute to be creative, play videogames, use internet and watch stuff. But it's good for my schoolwork aswell coz i get inspired for it and right now im on a creative spree which feels good, keeps me focused also.. Huuu, it's hard sometimes when ur missing everyone and everything back home so much, you tend do space out from time to time..

I got a parcel from my parents earlier this week. They sent me Bilar ( the sour edition), Tutti Frutti candy, Earl Grey Deluxe tea, a happy birthday-card aaand.....Panodil! Arent they nice :).


Anonymous said...

ah! Det är därifrån alla dina paket-ideer kommer. Det kunde Man ju ha gissat. Varför skriver jag "man" med versal?

Johannes said...

Jag tar och länkar till din sida om det går bra. vi får höras mer om projektet. du kanske känner någon spännande musiker?

Martin Rinman said...

Ems - haha mjaa kanske :).. du skriver Man för jag heter Martin "The Man" RinMAN :P hahaha

Johannes - jaa det går bra, joo det gör jag faktiskt :) ja får prata mer om det sen!

Anonymous said...

I know the feeling. I have my moments where I am so sick of uni, but just think one day it will be over, and that is it! :) Wahooo!
That's nice your parents sent you a package! It's always so exciting to get things from home! :) Enjoy the last of the weekend!

Bjørn said...

They call me the Iceman.

Martin Rinman said...

THey call me the Rinman!