Tuesday, March 17, 2009

En fjärdedel av mitt liv

It was raining today which I welcomed with open arms and wohoos!

Todays intro to drawing class wasnt so exhilarating unfortunately. We made drawings with pencil and charcoal of big sqaures, pyramids and big white round thingys. It reminded me of that Graphic Design foundation class i had last semester where we only made technical drawings and shading of rectangles, tubes and round thingys. Buuuut i still really like the class and next week we are going to have a model again which is more fun to draw. I dont like to draw those objects, its soo still and flat but i got some good training drawing with charcoal anyway.

Lets see if i can scan some of the stuff i did in class some day. We had some homework due today which i showed to my teacher and then she instantly recognised my Moleskine notebook i use for class and said it was very very good. The notebook i mean. :D

On the Internet, Day 2:

It's amazing. Tonight I had documentary-and-junkfood-night, like every normal person have. Coz noow, as i think i said in the previous post, i can download shit!

I can also google or wikipedia everything that pops in my mind all of a sudden! And believe me, thats a lot of stuff. Speaking of, when i was visiting Caroline, something suddenly popped up in my head; Can Vampires survive on the swedish (?) dish Blodpudding? Blodpudding literally translates to blood pudding but its not really a pudding i think? It consists of pigs blood, flour and a whole lot of other nasty sounding things i dont know how to translate; ( svinblod, mjölk, rågmjöl, späcktärningar, öl eller svagdricka och sirap, och kryddas med lök, kryddpeppar och mejram, according to Wiki.)

So anyway, we have this awesome srevice in Sweden which is called 118 100 where you can ask just about ANYTHING and they will give you a good reply. So we sent a text to them if vampires could survive on blodpudding and this is what they replied:

Vampires can survive [on it], absolutely. Blodpudding contains every nutrition that vampires need, but its not sufficent enough to fulfill the every need of a vampire, which is fresh blood in liquid form, so therefore he can get a little cranky.
Isnt that AWESOME? :D


Anonymous said...

haha, fan va roligt! helt seriöst svar me:) gissar att du var nöjd!

Martin Rinman said...

jag var jäkligt nöjd :) Svårt att toppa en sån bra fråga också måste jag säga :p...

Joakim said...

hahah.. så sant så martin!! damn! sjukt snygga bilder martin!!! keep it up.. Peace

stan. said...

what a service!!! i am still laughing on it!

Martin Rinman said...

jocke - ooooooh tack :)

stan - cool huh :) if u can think of any new question for them then let me know!