Monday, March 30, 2009

Alla vill ha hela världen

Clouds clouds clouds.

Today i finally did my presentation for my Landscape class. I hate doing presentations so i was a bit (very) nervous but it went alright even though i had to do it backwards because my teacher wanted to see my comparison between two contemporary photographers (Martin Parr and Walter Niedermayr) where i claimed that on an artistic level, Niedermayr was so much more satisfying than Parrs work because he makes more out of his pictures using montage, better composition and uses the existent lighting very good. His photographs almost becomes paintings in a way. Parr on the otherhand takes photographs with a "snap-shot" feel where i claimed that they could've been taken by anyone there in that particular situation of the time even though they are highly satirical and critical against mass tourism, consumerism and the middle class and food! And then I talked about the ongoing debate about The Tourist vs. The Traveller (which has been going on since man started to travel and take vacations; is there a necessary distinction between the two? Do they experience the landscape differently from eachother? etc etc) but i was actually gonna talk about that first so i got all confused and lost my focus a bit and missed a few points but rounded it up quiet nicely i think anyway :) Buuut, now I'm just rambling on and on about stuff i could talk about just for fun now when the presentation is over.

The best thing about the Landscape photo class or other classes also i guess, is that it's very interesting to know certain backgrounds and styles of different photographers and where they came from and thought about society, history and everything else. Makes you wonder a bit about your own life, where u come from and what you can produce from your experiences and viewpoints in your life. You learn how to pick up little pieces of information during class that can inspire you and then when you know a bit about the background of different styles and try them on and eventually find something that suits you and develop your own style from that. This of course, applies to any learning faculty and is nothing new to the world, it just struck me that i kinda enjoy the classes that I'm taking even though they can be very boring sometimes when its so much information you think your head is going to explode like in that Scanners-movie.

.....KapoOOOoOOoOW!!! *bloodsplatter on wall*


Anonymous said...

kapoow?! blood splatter on the wall!

grosss!!!! hehe :P

Love those cloud photos! and good on you for getting the presentation done! ;)

Martin Rinman said...

Oh, sorry i totally meant Braaainsplatter!! Typo! :P

thanks :)and thanks!

Em said...

WOW vilka bilder MartNeo! Jag stal btw en av dina bilder o lade som skrivbordsunderlägg. Tack. Jag såg det som en gåva=)

Martin Rinman said...

Ems - haha jasså du :) vilken då? men det är okei, men nästa gång får du köpa den :D